DEV Community

Discussion on: What are common myths about software careers?

aqua profile image

Thank you everyone for these comments! As a recent grad I’ve been feeling like I don’t belong in these junior dev openings. I feel like I could learn loads more before even applying at an entry level position but part of me knows it’s just a confidence issue. How do you overcome that? Did you ever feel like you ready for these roles?

adamthewizard profile image

Hey, Shane! I'd say you never really feel ready and you should definitely just shoot! I was exactly the same in the sense that I always felt like I needed to know a few more things before applying but I still didn't feel ready when I applied for a load of companies and I'm heading off for the final interview in about 30 minutes to one of those companies! I have a pretty empty portfolio online but it was more a case of making a good impression through my application and interviewing that lead me here. I also had to do a small practical challenge but that was fairly simple. If you google "code newbies imposter syndrome" there's an awesome article on this kind of problem! I actually listened to it this morning just to give me a pep talk haha ... best of luck ✌🏻✌🏻