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Plotting a circle in python with angles.

I have got some hard time dealing with angles in space, and because i skipped all of my geometry class i had no idea how to imagine angles in a circle so i decided to find a way to plot them using python

First lets Import Modules

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from numpy import sin, cos, pi, linspacet
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Adding a center point

plt.plot(0,0, color = 'red', marker = 'o')
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Adding a circle

r = 1.5
angles = linspace(0 * pi, 2 * pi, 100) 
xs = cos(angles)
ys = sin(angles)

plt.plot(xs, ys, color = 'green')
plt.xlim(-r, r)
plt.ylim(-r, r)
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Drawing diameter

plt.plot(r-0.5, 0, marker = 'P', color = 'blue')
plt.plot(-r+0.5, 0, marker = 'o', color = 'red')
plt.plot([r, -r], [0, 0], color = 'red')
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A function to convert from Degree to Radian

def deg2rad(deg):
    return deg * pi / 180
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Now lets draw two lines at 90Β° and 45Β°

plt.plot([0, r * cos(deg2rad(90))], [0, r * sin( deg2rad(90))], color = "red")
plt.plot([0, r * cos(deg2rad(45))], [0, r * sin( deg2rad(45))], color = "black")

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Show the final result

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Hope that article would save some time.

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