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How to start with Ruby on Rails when you use Django

@andrzejkrzywda challenged me once to try Rails web framework instead of Django. I was a bit skeptical about this, but I have given a try. I have spent two weeks to try to figure it out how it works. Of course my way of thinking about Rails was Django-way, so it gives me hard, meaningless time.
So, how to start?
Don't try to find a place where you can describe Class Based View or Function Based View.
View in Django are controller in Rails.
It is a specific way to create a controller in Rails.
Mostly it will have a name of a template.
If you have some uncommon needs which needs additional code don't create a separate file. Just add a method to your controller class and use it as a class method in a template.
On the beginning it's looks really wired and uncommon, but now I think it is more logic than views conception in Django

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