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Discussion on: Do not be this kind of developer

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Adrian B.G. • Edited

Do not get me wrong, but I want to be the devils advocate here. As a senior developer I would like to write in the language I love and does a good job: Go. As a Business man / team lead / consultant I would probably advice against it for most projects.

Most developers do not understand the business part of the problems they are hired to solve.

Most of the times technologies are not chosen because they are the best tool for the problem or other technical reason. There are 2 main ways that companies uses to choose their main stack:

  1. startup with a dev involved early on: they will choose what he knows best, or what he wants to learn. Objective selection. Ofc there are side effects, see how FB, Twitter, Instagram had many scaling problems because they used interpreted languages and mySQL

  2. want to start a company/team: they have to choose the technology that will fill up the empty seats. Here are 2 reasoning:

    • they will look for one of the most common languages that the local workforce is used to. For example here in Bucharest there are many PHP and Java developers, python and ruby very exotic. To hire 10 Ruby devs you will wait probably 2 years, or forever.
    • you will choose what other devs with specific business logic know, as a result, what other competitors uses. For example, web gaming industry, CMS and ecommerce are mostly PHP Driven. Enterprise solutions Java. If you want good devs with experience in PHP most likely you will want PHP.

Now you can understand why popular languages are getting even more used every day, and Hyped technologies more traction.

It is a circle, business want a safe technology, they will hire for a common stack, and developers learn the technology that is the most found on the job boards to have a good chance of finding a job.

I learned on the hard way to separate the programming as a professional to the programming as a hobby.

PS: JS is terrible