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Discussion on: Jenkins Pipelines and their dirty secrets 2.

biancagotaski profile image
Bianca Gotaski • Edited

I have a situation where I would like to create dynamic parameters like this:
PARAMETER X is an INPUT type, where the user will insert the number of files (which refers to the second parameter Y)
So if the user says that will be 3 files, it will create 3 parameters as INPUT type so the user can specify the path for each file.
I've tried with a FOR() using the first parameter as a condition but it didn't work.
Do you have any suggestions?
PS: great article by the way!

pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits

There are workarounds, for example you could redefine parameters with multiple pipeline runs. But I wouldn't suggest that, it's not a clean way to begin with.
You should simply use a text parameter, where the user could insert the file paths separated by newline or space, and collect/validate the individual parameters in code during runtime.