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Discussion on: Explaining blockchain basics

bieelsoares profile image
Gabriel Soares

Great post, Guilherme. Thanks for sharing. I have a few questions to you related to that.

  1. You mentioned "MerkleRoot" and why is not called "hash". Do you think that using "hash" is wrong and can be considered an anti-pattern?

  2. You added the "creationTimestamp" as a required field to the block header (actually you didn't directly, but it seems to be in your description). This field seems to be more an optional data field, instead of a requirement to the block header. What your thoughts about this?

Thanks again, man! :)

gmfcastro profile image
gmfcastro • Edited

Hey Gabriel ! Good questions, I think i can answer them:

  1. I don't think this is considered a anti-pattern at all, since I am based in the Bitcoin in this post the naming was a definition that Satoshi made, probably to let clear that the value is being generated with Merkle tree. With that said this is basically a decision that is made by the developer so if you plan to develop a fork from Bitcoin ( to create your own coin you can go a ahead and change it. :)

  2. Yes Gabriel like the first answer the block is planned by the developer and they can decide if its important or not to have this field. Personally i think it is a important field to have more transparency of information in the blocks explorer around there. Checkout and try to find some blocks there and play around it :) (Btw those are real blocks !)