DEV Community

Discussion on: What is a problem you constantly have with CSS, or something you keep wanting to learn how to do?

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Christopher Fouad Jabbour

I think the problem I have with CSS is just trying to remember all of the little details, properties, and implementation part of the elements and the components. I do love the design side of it and figuring out what colors to use. I feel like i spend alot of time on it if I were to make a project without a CSS cheat sheet or reference and I would eventually find myself in a rabbit hole of wondering what to use. I recently been trying to look into like the CSS framework Materialize and find ways to work smarter. I am always trying to find easy to digest resources for it and find what works for me. This mostly comes from my self taught experience so far. I am always afraid of spending more time on it then I need to.

I am trying to find better resources for it and always understand it when I have downtime.

this reminds me of a video of a conference about my frustration of CSS at times. Write Less CSS