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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #33 - Did you mean...?

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Craig McIlwrath


lev :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int
lev a b = let memoed = [ [ lev' levmemo i' j' | j' <- [0..] ] | i' <- [0..] ]
              levmemo i j = memoed !! i !! j
          in levmemo (length a) (length b)
          where lev' f i j
                  | min i j == 0 = max i j
                  | otherwise = let n = f (i-1) j + 1
                                    m = f i (j-1) + 1
                                    q = f (i-1) (j-1) + if (a!!(i-1)) == (b!!(j-1)) then 0 else 1
                                in min n $ min m q

mostSimilar :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [a] -> [a]
mostSimilar list word = fst $ foldl1 smallestDistance $ zip list $ map (lev word) $ list
              where smallestDistance a@(minel, mindst) b@(el, dst) =
                      if dst < mindst then b
                      else a

This one was interesting for me: I'm pretty new to haskell and this is my first time playing around with memoization (without memoization, the lev function is absurdly slow).

The lev function is a recursive implementation of the Levenshtein distance from the Wikipedia article