DEV Community

Discussion on: Static Site Generators - the WordPress alternative no one's talking about

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Médéric Burlet

Ive configured wordpress websites to load in less than a second with assets it is easy to tweak there are even plugins who help you do auto minify and file concatanation. Database connection also comes from poorly designed network if you make sure your database is on same server or same country you wont get that issue unless you host is down but then that would also be an issue for static websites.

Then lets talk plugins wordpress being there and established for so long you have huge plugins like WooCommerce that let you start e-commerce websites very easily and configure everything in real time.

And I disagree a lot of people are using static site generator but usually for portfolios and more. Also take time into consideration. If im someone not tech savy and just want a small website for my business with Wordpress you signup, configure and in 5 minutes you are up and running.

They target different audience and different needs.