DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm An Impostor

darkeye123 profile image
Matej Leško

I agree with you on everything written in this post. I do pretty much all of you are mentioning.

Not so long ago I had similar doubts and I found out that these occur for me when there is no real challenge for me in the work. When I was doing ok but the work was simple after a few weeks or months I got this so-called impostor syndrome.

After years I learned to comprehend that I'm incomplete and always will be. And I allowed myself to fail. This raised my self-esteem much greatly and reduced these impostor feelings.

Also, some dummy project helps. Just create another React/Vue/Svelte/Node/Django whatever shit on GitHub and just spend few hours digging. Then forgot about it and go sleep happy. This makes wonders.

All it is is just beating your creativity and possibilities you perceive you can do, but not going in that direction kills you.