What I use for day to day software development, communication, and workflow.
Development software
Alred App
Alfred is a great tool to quickly search your Mac for a program/file or run calculations on the fly or fire off a Google search. I even use it to search the PHP manual. With the powerpack addon, you can save your clipboard history which I use constantly.
Is my code editor of choice, great for book writing and coding.
Table Plus
Using a database client is essential, Table Plus is great for managing multiple databases and inspecting the data.
One of the first things I install on a new Mac it's a great terminal application has support for keyboard shortcuts and themes.
Chrome is my preferred editor for day to day use and for it's extensions for development.
Software Packages
Set app is a subscription service for Mac, it has loads of great apps to use such as Table Plus, Cloud Mounter, Clean My Mac, and many more.
Microsoft Outlook
Outlook is my go-to Email client, nothing else comes close to it. For exchange emails and calendars.
Microsoft Teams
I keep in touch with the team using Teams, also great for sharing resources and video chats with clients.
Spotify keeps me focused whilst coding, the best music streaming service in my opinion.
I love bear it's the best note-taking app or Mac.
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