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Discussion on: RoadMap to learn MERN Stack for Beginners

debojyotibabai profile image
Debojyoti Ghosh

Hello my name is Debojyoti, I want to say that I already learnt React js. Now I want to learn node. But I dont understand how and why to use node, because we can call api and use routes in react. All node js tutorial teaching us how to use node with html css...there we need node for api calling and routing, but in react why we need node? and how to use it. thanks in advance

kishansheth profile image
Kishan Sheth

React is for Frontend and Node is for Backend. Consider you're working on a website with database access then you'll build you're Frontend with react and for backend you'll be using Node. Now you'll start React on default port 3000 and start node on something like 3001 port. Now Make a api which return some response and call it from react. We just use Node for the backend purpose.

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Now, one thing I am thinking is how to do the same approach Laravel has for web development. From Laravel official site/documentation, it is clear we can use Laravel for two different purposes :

  1. A full-stack, stand-alone development, in which React or Vue.js in the frontend is integrated part of the full-stack application. The React/Vue front-end then is considered 1st party app, instead of 3rd party. For this purpose, we write code for routing in the file named web.
  2. A backend app that provides APIs for 3rd party apps written with any supported tools, including React or Vue. For this purpose, we write code for routing in the file named api.

As for MERN stack, from what I have seen the 2nd approach mentioned previously is the most used one. I am trying to find the 1st approach like Laravel provides for this MERN (and also MEAN) stack : a full-stack, standalone application.
We can also agree the "M" in the stack can be MySQL instead of MongoDB, depending on what database we want to use.