Formula X - How to Reach Extreme Acceleration in Your Organization is a business novel based upon a simple acronym, FASTER. Jurriaan Kamer stresses that acceleration is the most important factor when trying to achieve speed. With acceleration, time will take care of the rest. Simple physics, force = mass * acceleration.
Flow > Efficiency
If everything seems under control,
you're not going fast enough
If you can't measure it,
it doesn't exist
Hub & spoke management consulting doesn't work
The less mass in your organization,
the easier you can accelerate
The narrator meets a Formula 1 team captain who - talks about shorten cycle time, intent-based leadership, and what appears to be a flavor scrum (continuous improvement)
Acceleration Questions - Yes / No
Decrease decision latency to increase acceleration
Are people safe to make mistakes?
No - Never fast
Are mistakes being learned from?
No - Build learning rhythm
Are people able to decide without permission?
No - Clarify decision rights
Speed more important than perfection?
No - Make decisions safe to try
If all YES - time will solve problems
Intrinsic Motivation
Individuals sourcing their own ideas for improvement enables commitment
Clear and shared goal - vision
Can't give responsibility,
Make sure people want to and can take responsibility
Customer Focus
A whole team approach,
combined with single piece flow
Pit stop for customer
Standardized options enable speed
Get better together by learning from doing
If in a hurry,
never get there
F - focus
A - accelerate decisions
S - simplify
T - team engagement
E - elementary physics
R - rhythmic learning
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