Everyone loves to do his app fast and also realtime
and we all face problems with costing when make our laravel app realtime/
So I use mix of some technologies to make realtime crud in laravel using vue
why vue?
vue produce a lost of features, actually i found that when use vue to make crud,it 's easy to do operations on your list
So let's go and code our simple application
the code uploaded on github
realtime-crud-laravel-vue repo
You can check vedio demo
Make the configuration for laravel-echo and redis
change .env variable MAIL_TO_ADDRESS_ON_ADDED_PRODUCTS in .env.example to receive mails when adding new products
run cp .env.example .env
commands should be run in terminal in every tab:
php artisan serve
npm install
npm run dev
laravel-echo-server start
php artisan queue:work
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