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Discussion on: Joker: Flex Your Scripting Muscles In (Almost) Clojure

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Daniel Pritchett ⚡ • Edited

Having a good time now - this is probably the first time I've actually gotten value out of Clojure at work in ten years of wishing :P

Silly convenience wrappers:

> cat ~/bin/jokes/lib/shell.joke
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/joker

(ns (:require [joker.os :refer [exec sh]]))

(defn sh-v
  "Verbosely execute a script via joker.os/sh."
  [bin & args]
    (apply println "Executing:\t" bin args)
    (apply sh bin args)
    (println "Complete."))

(defn exec-v
  "Verbosely execute a script via joker.os/exec."
  [bin args]
  (let [opts { :args args :stdin *in* :stdout *out* :err *err*}]
    (apply println "Executing:\t" bin args)
    (let [result (exec bin opts)]
      (println result)
      (println "Complete."))))


> cat wtf-docker
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/joker

(ns script
  (:require [lib.cli :refer [argv-str]]
            [ :as shell]))

(defn docker-shell
  "Open a bash shell inside the supplied docker tag or hash."
    [sh-args ["run" "-ti" tag-or-hash "/bin/bash" "--login"]]
    (shell/exec-v "docker" sh-args)))

(def results (docker-shell argv-str))

(println results)


> wtf-docker ubuntu:latest
Executing:   docker run -ti ubuntu:latest /bin/bash --login
root@b84798f0415c:/# logout
{:success true, :exit 0, :err }