DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 reasons why nobody is reading your articles and how to fix it

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Davide de Paolis • Edited

you forgot point 11: you didn't write a catchy clickbait title
I wrote a similar article some time ago: 5 Tips for successful blogging + 1 to build a solid personal brand. ;-)

I agree a lot with writing quality content and especially about Storytelling and liked the tips about scheduling , but personally I really disliked and disagree with point 3 The topic is boring and not well known

The web is full of posts about Imposter Syndrome, Array Reduce, or How to build React Clones of something - new posts about those every single day, and somehow they make lots of views. But do they really make a difference?
Maybe a very technical niche post with just 10 views made the day of desperate devs struggling to find documentation or solutions to a similar problem, or your technical tutorials about AWS CDK will get you the next job - could you say the same for the next acclaimed post " Use console.log like a pro" ?

I think the main point is understanding WHY we are blogging:

  • as a personal dev journal ( learn in public)
  • to find a job (showing that we are passionate about programming, we do work on some topics, learn some subjects and have experience etc..)
  • to make money as content creator
  • to share our knowledge, our tips, or simply our struggles that brought to some learnings

when we know why are blogging we can also decide to care or not about views and likes.