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Discussion on: Why do beginner hate Java so much

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Erich Bremer

What frustrates you most about Java?
lack of support for longs as array indexes. Not in big demand for some, but I want it.

What frustrates you most about learning Java?
this would be difficult to answer honestly since I have been learning it since the beginning. Learning it from the beginning I don't think would be the same as learning it now in 2020 as it was starting with JDK 1.0. Historically speaking, the language itself was easy enough to learn (I knew C/C++, LISP, Prolog and other languages already). Many "issues" I had work worked out along the way as Java evolved like any language.

What is your perception about Java?
It's a good language. It's not vastly different from most languages containing all of the usual same constructs, variables, loops, conditionals, etc.
Much of the value of any language is in it's community and available supported libraries. Having access to a myriad of databases, image libraries, and so forth is available in Java. Some languages, while cool, may not have libraries to do complex things forcing you to invest and write those libraries yourself. With Java, I can download matrix multiplication libraries that will take advantage of multiple cores. This isn't to say that other languages have their own library support. Python has much. Javascript getting better.
All languages evolve. Java has had it's issues, many resolved, some not, but so do they all.

Exciting new things in Java? See: