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Advice For (Starting) Developers From Someone with 15+ Years Experience

Edwin Klesman on February 20, 2019

As someone who was deployed in Life in 1981, with over 15 years of experience, I think it's time to share some of the most basic but powerful tips ...
docvominh profile image
Pham Duc Minh

"Providing value will always help you move in the right direction" this one solved my problem about choose program language to work with.
Thank you very much :)

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman

Awesome to hear that. Thanks for letting me know this 🙌🏻

Code hard, Ship harder - 🚀

olivermensahdev profile image
Oliver Mensah

Worth reading.

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman

Thanks 🙌🏻

kambleaa007 profile image
Ashish Kamble

Try to keep in check with yourself, what makes you happy, and where you want to go.

eekayonline profile image
Edwin Klesman • Edited

This 💯. Tech stacks will always come and go (faster and faster), and it's okay to start by focussing on that level. In the long haul, there is another level that becomes more important.

After 15 plus years, I recognize that moving away from a specific technical focus and looking at what aspect of it all was the real motivator, I could really steer what I wanted to do.

I was hoping that, by sharing my learned lessons here, I could motivate others (in the more early days of their career) to take this with them. ✌🏻