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Discussion on: Functional programming in C++, Python, etc.

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Evgeny Pogrebnyak

Check out (as mentioned). For "pure function which prints text on the screen" I think you are stuck, unless you review what is your defintion of fucntional.

If you are to encapsulate your output into IO monad in python you can try, but this is just an excercise.

from oslash import put_line, get_line

main = put_line("What is your name?") | (lambda _:
    get_line() | (lambda name:
    put_line("What is your age?") | (lambda _:
    get_line() | (lambda age:
    put_line("Hello " + name + "!") | (lambda _:
    put_line("You are " + age + " years old"))))))

if __name__ == "__main__":

I thing more fruitful concepts in functional programming are curring, map/filter/reduce and function composition.

Regarding the nice code in - I think you are just mimicing one behaviour of bind as concat string, while binding can perform different actions on container content. Also there is a difference on class type and an OOP class, as discussed for example here