DEV Community

Discussion on: Daily Challenge #45 - Change Machine

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Jérémie Astor

Just my two cents, in Gwion

fun void change(int cents) {
  cents / 25 => const int coin25;
  coin25 * 25 -=> cents;
  cents / 10 => const int coin10;
  coin10 *10 -=> cents;
  cents  /5 => const int coin5;
  coin5 * 5 -=> cents;

#! this is a comment
#! below is the debug print.

    "{ ",
    "25 => ",   coin25,
    ", 10 => ", coin10,
    ", 5 => ",  coin5,
    ", 1 => ",  cents,
    " }"

31 => change;


{ 25 => 1, 10 => 0, 5 => 1, 1 => 1 }

It probably could be written better, but looks like it gets the job done.