DEV Community

Discussion on: What's the Node framework landscape like?

francocorreasosa profile image
Franco Correa • Edited

I stopped asking this question so frequently and jumped into building apps to try things (frameworks/languages) out.

I'm currently testing to make a GraphQL app with graphql-yoga and express along with objection as an ORM and knex to run migrations. I'm liking it so far, if you want to take a look:

shubhamsinha profile image
Shubham Sinha

Objection js has a plugin objection-graphql. Have you tried that ? And since you we're sure about using graphql and TS did you consider Typegraphql+Typeorm / Nest js + Typeorm ?

francocorreasosa profile image
Franco Correa

I considered using that plugin, but wanted to learn how it works manually first. Probably would use some of that for a production app.