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Refactoring an Overgrown Notifications Class in Django

Gabriela Voicu on January 24, 2018

Photo by Rajesh Appalla on Unsplash After working with the same code base for a while, there comes a time when a developer starts noticing ways th...
andrewchou profile image
Andrew Chou

Hey Gabi! It's cool to see you posting on!

gabivoicu profile image
Gabriela Voicu

Thank you, Andrew! Good to see you on here 👋🏻

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

My remarks:

  • You wrap everything with transaction.atomic(): I think it is too risky and too generic as a lot of things can go wrong in the code below. Consider making it more specific.

  • Why do you need a mixin while you can delegate notifications using a service or a signal? The request-response cycle should now be aware of actually doing something that can be delegated as a task that can happen in the future.

  • The SendNotificationMixin class it too big(huge I would say) and has too many methods. What if you needed to add another 100 types of notifications? You would need to refactor it again. The methods need to be re-engineered to resist that future change.

spookylukey profile image
Luke Plant • Edited

Is there a reason for SendNotificationMixin to be a class or a mixin? It's methods do not use 'self' at all (except self.send_email, and that should just be a function call). Classes which do not have any state, and do not use self, are just namespaces for functions, except they are harder to use (e.g. you have to instantiate them or inherit from them etc.). Python normally uses modules for namespaces, not classes.

danidee10 profile image
Osaetin Daniel • Edited
  • I still think there's a major issue with your code, The view code is
    too coupled with the notification functionality. You shouldn't be using
    a Mixin (at least in the context of a view). A view's major purpose is
    to receive a request and return a response.

  • Also, the SendNotificationMixin class is too huge, if you use a
    service like codeclimate it should flag it
    as a "Code smell".

Shameless plug here: I created a django library that might be of help it uses django signals to decouple the notification functionality from your application. The various types of notifications can easily be written as "delivery channels" instead of mixins.

It also processes notifications asynchronously using Celery which IMO is better than django-channels because you can monitor tasks, retry them if they fail etc.