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Leveling Up Your Terminal/Command-Line Navigation

Dylan Paulus on June 18, 2019

One motivating factor in using a terminal is the productivity gains... that is, once you can sweep the keyboard like an 80's metal guitarist. Getti...
anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej • Edited

Thanks for sharing!

I would also add:

  • CTRL + SHIFT + T: create a new terminal tab

  • CTRL + SHIFT + W: close the current terminal tab

  • mkdir path/to/dir && cd $_: create a directory and cd into it as soon as it is created; the same concept can be applied to files

mitjmcc profile image
Mitch McClellan

It would be useful to set an alias for that last one.

thomasjunkos profile image
Thomas Junkツ • Edited

Little aside:

  • These are the default emacs-style commands.
    If you are more into vi there is the possibility to use that: set -o vi.

  • The use of a other shell than bash (e.g. zshell) will improve your experience further (TAB-completion is meh! under bash)

  • In case you intend to use fish, you have to unlearn too many things. Use at your own risk.

nghuuphuoc profile image
Phuoc Nguyen

Thank you for the great post. I didn’t know about ![#number].

thomasjunkos profile image
Thomas Junkツ

Wait until you see !-2 ;)

ganderzz profile image
Dylan Paulus


nikhilmadhamshettiwar profile image
Nikhil Madhamshettiwar

Thanks a lot for this.. you saved lot of my time :)