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Garry Xiao
Garry Xiao

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React infinite loader with TypeScript

It's a performance favor solution for a list or grid of huge data. There are limited TypeScript examples to work with 'react-window-infinite-loader' and 'react-window' (A new package for react-virtualized, 'Virtualized Table', I will create a functional component to work through these.

For react-window

For react-window-infinite-loader:

Encapsulated into a seperated component, reduced unnecessary properties provided with the sample:

import React, { ComponentType } from 'react'
import { FixedSizeList, ListChildComponentProps, Layout, ListOnScrollProps, ListItemKeySelector } from 'react-window'
import InfiniteLoader from 'react-window-infinite-loader'
import { ISearchItem } from '../views/ISearchResult'

 * List item renderer properties
export interface ListItemRendererProps extends ListChildComponentProps {

 * Infinite list props
export interface InfiniteListProps {
     * Is horizontal layout
    horizontal?: boolean

     * Height
    height?: number

     * Inital scroll offset, scrollTop or scrollLeft
    initialScrollOffset?: number

     * Item unit property name, default is id
    itemKey?: string

     * Item renderer
     * @param props 
    itemRenderer(props: ListItemRendererProps): React.ReactElement<ListItemRendererProps>

     * Item size (height)
    itemSize: number

     * Load items callback
    loadItems(page: number, records: number): Promise<ISearchItem[]>

     * On scroll callback
    onScroll?: (props: ListOnScrollProps) => any

     * Records to read onetime
    records: number

     * Width
    width?: string

 * Infinite list state class
class InfiniteListState {
     * List items
    items: ISearchItem[]

     * All data is loaded
    loaded: boolean

     * Current page
    page: number

     * Constructor
     * @param items Init items
    constructor(items: ISearchItem[]) {
        this.items = items
        this.loaded = false = 0

 * Infinite list component
 * @param pros Properties
export function InfiniteList(props: InfiniteListProps) {
    // Items state
    const [state, updateState] = React.useState(new InfiniteListState([]))

    // Render an item or a loading indicator
    const itemRenderer: ComponentType<ListChildComponentProps> = (lp) => {
        const newProps: ListItemRendererProps = {
            data: state.items[lp.index],
            index: lp.index,
            isScrolling: lp.isScrolling,
        return props.itemRenderer(newProps)

    // Determine the index is ready
    const isItemLoaded = (index: number) => {
        return state.loaded || index < state.items.length

    // Load more items
    const loadMoreItems = async (startIndex: number, stopIndex: number) => {
        // Loaded then return

        // Read next page
        const page = + 1
        const items = (await props.loadItems(page, props.records)) || []

        // Add to the collection

        // New state
        const newState = new InfiniteListState(state.items) = page
        newState.loaded = items.length < props.records

        // Update

    // Add 1 to the length to indicate more data is available
    const itemCount = state.items.length + (state.loaded ? 0 : 1)

    // Default calcuated height
    const height = props.height || props.records * props.itemSize

    // Default 100% width
    const width = props.width || '100%'

    // Layout
    const layout: Layout = props.horizontal ? 'horizontal'  : 'vertical'

    // Item key
    const itemKey: ListItemKeySelector = (index, data) => {
        const field = props.itemKey || 'id'
        if(data == null || data[field] == null)
            return index

        return data[field]

    // Return components
    return (
        <InfiniteLoader isItemLoaded={isItemLoaded} itemCount={itemCount} loadMoreItems={loadMoreItems} minimumBatchSize={props.records} threshold={props.records + 5}>
                ({ onItemsRendered, ref }) => (
                    <FixedSizeList itemCount={itemCount}
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An example to use it:

    // Load datal
    const loadItems = async (page: number, records: number) => {
        const conditions: CustomerSearchModel = { page, records }
        return (await api.searchPersonItems(conditions)).items

    // Item renderer
    const itemRenderer = (props: ListItemRendererProps) => {
        return (
            <div className={classes.listItem} style={}>{props.index} { == null ? 'Loading...' :['name']}</div>

<InfiniteList itemSize={200} records={5} height={height} loadItems={loadItems} itemRenderer={itemRenderer}/>
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Here the property 'height' of the component in vertical case is not easy to dertermine. The full height of the document, minus the app bar height, margin or padding height, is the target height. I coded a hook to calculate two elements at the same time for calculate the real height with

  // Calculate dimensions, pass ref1 to AppBar (position="sticky"), ref2 to the outer Container
  const {ref1, ref2, dimensions1, dimensions2} = useDimensions2<HTMLElement, HTMLDivElement>(true)

  // Setup the actual pixel height
  const mainStyle = {
    height: (dimensions1 && dimensions2 ? (dimensions2.height - dimensions1.height) : 0)

 * Calculate 2 elements dimensions
 * @param observeResize Is observing resize event
export function useDimensions2<E1 extends Element, E2 extends Element>(observeResize: boolean = false) {
    // References for a HTML elements passed to its 'ref' property
    const ref1 = React.useRef<E1>(null)
    const ref2 = React.useRef<E2>(null)

    // Dimensions and update state
    const [dimensions, updateDimensions] = React.useState<DOMRect[]>()

    // Calcuate when layout is ready
    React.useEffect(() => {
        // Update dimensions
        if(ref1.current && ref2.current)
            updateDimensions([ref1.current.getBoundingClientRect(), ref2.current.getBoundingClientRect()])

        // Resize event handler
        const resizeHandler = (event: Event) => {
            if(ref1.current && ref2.current)
                updateDimensions([ref1.current.getBoundingClientRect(), ref2.current.getBoundingClientRect()])

        // Add event listener when supported
            window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler)

        return () => {
            // Remove the event listener
                window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler)
    }, [ref1.current, ref2.current])

    // Dimensions
    const dimensions1 = dimensions == null ? null : dimensions[0]
    const dimensions2 = dimensions == null ? null : dimensions[1]

    // Return
    return {
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There are two additional interesting topics. How to add outer or inner elements add to the InfiniteList:

// Outer element
const outerElementType = React.forwardRef<HTMLElement>((p, ref) => {
    return (
        <Table innerRef={ref}>
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