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Discussion on: What Tech Stacks are Folks Using for New Projects?

guledali profile image
guledali • Edited

For any hobby & passion project most important tool I use is Ruby on Rails, it empowers the solo developer and the framework include so much of the box while at the same time being very opinionated which is good for beginners. I tell people once you understand the basics of rails, it's absolutely a magnificent framework but yeah let's get started here.

  • Tech-Stack) Ruby on Rails, in fact I use
  • CSS-framework) Tailwind UI & Tailwind CSS
  • CI) TravisCI or Github Actions
  • CD) Heroku easy to setup with rails
  • Database) Pg, Postgres most of the time I write ActiveRecord
  • Testing) Minitest and Fixtures build into rails
  • Design-Tool) Refactoring UI,, balsamiq & figma
  • IDE) RubyMine + VIM, vscode sucks with Ruby


  • file-upload), ActiveStorage AWS S3
  • email), ActionMailer SendGrid
  • background-job) ActiveJob Sidekiq Heroku Redis, I don't use this feature often only when I'm sending emails like confirmation emails and reset password. Rails has like and deliver.later method. Particularly deliver.later is putting the job in a que which is good for the server and this why I think rails is so powerful at the end of the day, even a novice developer like me can put out a production ready web application without knowing that much.

JavaScript framework
No! I don't use any JavaScript framework at all for my hobbies and pet projects but,
I do like StimulusJS 2.0 framework very easy to use in small projects it gives me a lot of throwback to the jQuery days, oh much simpler times.

andre1828 profile image
André Rodrigues Melo

"oh much simpler times". I empathize a lot with that!