DEV Community

Hannah Mehreteab
Hannah Mehreteab

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My digital workspace

Hi! 👋 I'm Hannah - a full-stack developer and a recent graduate of Futureproof. Alongside the trial and error involved in learning to code, there's also trial and error involved in finding your preferred software to code with! I've tried several different code editors and extensions before settling on my favourites, so I'll kick off my series of weekly blogs with a mini-tour of my digital workspace.


Hyper - terminal emulator


  • I'm using the Spaceship zsh prompt - there are a plethora of customisation options available including colouring, git repo status indicators and more.
  • Hyper also allows you to install extensions for extra functionality - I'm using the hyper-custom-touchbar extension to keep some simple commands at easy access Touchbar


I definitely need to make more use of aliases to speed up my command line usage, but as of now I use the following:

Alias Command
code A very quick and easy way to open the current directory in Visual Studio Code. Instructions here!
... Much quicker than ../..
gcm git commit -m


Visual Studio Code

Some of my favourite extensions:
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - This extension has virtually eliminated any frustrating missing bracket errors I have while coding! It not only matches colours, but displays a line joining opening and closing brackets so you'll never get lost.
  • Live Share - My favourite tool for collaborative coding, this was definitely the most popular choice when working on group projects at Futureproof

I also use the FiraCode font with ligatures turned on - it's a small change but positively impacts readability for me!

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