DEV Community

Discussion on: Overcoming blocks about contributing to Open Source

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Isabel Costa

Yes! Patience is key! From both ends, both maintainers and contributors. We all have our lives... so as a maintainer it might take some time to get back to comments on issues or submitted Pull Requests (PR). And as a contributor, it may take time to fix the PR according to a maintainer's review or to actually do a contribution. And with this... communication. When I have to take some time off, I let the community know that I'll be off for some days.

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Gerard Klijs

That's nice, to let them know. I've had really good experiences with clojure with fixes/merges within hours. But also pretty bad ones with two rust repos. Not sure if it's language related or just unlucky. For the rust ones it's 'normal' not to hear from the maintainers for weeks.