DEV Community

Discussion on: What are the worst security practices you've ever witnessed?

jappyjan profile image

I once wrote a little extension to our Spam-Filter/Virus-Scanner...

While doing this I needed to inspect the already catched mails and found an e-mail which shocked me a lot... And also ended in someone else gettin fired...

That mail was send by a it-administrator of us who was working for one of our child-companies and was send to all out employees.

Subject: warning! There are dangerous virus-mails going around!

Please don't open any mail attachments of unknow sender's... Etc. Etc.

PS: I attached an example to this mail

Attachment: an actual malicious mail, containing the original attachment with the original, functional virus...

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

WHAT THE πŸ’©! I get alerting people but GEEZ!