DEV Community

Discussion on: To Code, or Not to Code on Vacation: That is My Question

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Jeril Bills

I'm barely learning to code, so I can't usually offer anything helpful on here, but having grown up in a very strict religious family I think I'm something of an expert on guilt! I personally find Dr. David Burns' advice in Feeling Good to be super helpful. He dedicates am entire chapter to it, and I think it's well worth reading.

As for what to do on vacation, I think the philosophical discussion in the comments is really interesting. My take on it is that "vacation" is a social construct and it's impossible not to be influenced by information from social dictates of what a vacation "should" look like. I guess it seems like a good idea to try to get in the weeds of what you actually want from a vacation vs. what other people say a vacation "should" be, although there's no getting around the fact that even our wants are shaped by social constructs. But to the extent possible, trying to figure out what you actually personally want from a vacation and basing your choices in that seems like a good idea going forward. Wouldn't worry about what's already past, though!