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Discussion on: Java Developers, What's in Your Toolkit?

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Joseph Clark

As a new Java developer (5 months now) I've been working on a model or starter Spring Boot web app aimed at long-term maintainability. (here: I'm honing in on a toolkit that I like.

IDE: IntelliJ (free edition for now)

Languages: Java 8 (I expect to upgrade to 11 soon), and of course HTML/CSS/Javascript

Database: PostgreSQL

Framework: Spring Boot

Front-end: Thymeleaf templates with Bootstrap 4, JQuery

Dependency management: Maven + WebJars (the latter for JQuery, Bootstrap, etc.)

Build tools: Maven, Docker

Testing: JUnit 5, Testcontainers

I have a pretty good build process at this point which uses Testcontainers to spin up temporary Postgres databases as Docker containers during the 'test' phase for true integration testing, then builds and publishes images of the app and the database to Docker Hub in the 'deploy' phase. Still got some bugs to work out though.

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Andrew (he/him)

That testing framework with Testcontainers sounds awesome, I would love to read an article about your setup!