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Discussion on: What are some fundamentals of security every developer should understand?

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Jeffrey Goldberg • Edited

A big part of my role as Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts at 1Password is helping our very talented development team to build secure code. I have the good fortune of working with people who are highly motivated to do things securely, but they have not necessarily been specifically trained how to. Here are a few broad and narrow lessons in no particular order off of the top of my head.

  1. Developers need (to be pointed to) the right tools to do things right. It is not enough to say "don't do X, do Y instead" if you don't give them the tools to do Y. So when some security expert tells you not to do X, ask them for the tools to do better.

  2. Instead of addressing specific attacks (as they come up or we can imagine them), it is better to build things in ways to preclude whole categories of attack.

  3. Ad-hoc regular expressions are rarely the right way to validate input (and all input may be hostile). But (see point 1), we need tools to build safe parsers for input.

  4. Expanding on the previous point: That stuff that you learned and promptly forgot in your Formal Language Theory or Automata Theory class turns out to be really important for securely handling potentially hostile input.

  5. Have as few user secrets as possible. (This is an example of 2).

  6. And users should have as much control as possible over determining what is "secret".

  7. Using good cryptographic libraries is essential, but they are very very easy to use incorrectly. Have someone who knows about cryptography to review your use. You may have to pay them.

  8. Many exploits involve chaining together little, seemingly, harmless bugs. Just because you can't think of how some issue could be practically exploited doesn't mean that someone won't figure it out some day. (This is a variant of 2, but it is worth restating this way.)

  9. Use debuggers, not printf, to study intermediate values. This prevents accidentally logging things that shouldn't be logged.

  10. Heed IDE/compiler warnings. Run static and run-time analytics. Remember, many memory addressing errors can be turned into exploits.

Anyway, this is off of the top of my head, and I will close with a few slides, I used in some internal training. This was done as the form of a quiz

RNG choice

Debugging through printf

Email parsing. Part 1

Email parsing: Lessons
