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Egghead's State Management Portfolio Club Journey - Week 1: An RDD Approach


My journey into learning State Management began with an introduction to the club's fellow members and a general direction that we would all head into while making our own business oriented portfolio project in the next 6 weeks.

Week 1 Goals

Goal 1: Watch Mark Erikson and Joel Hooks talk on Redux

Their talk gave me an insight on what Redux is, at its core. I learnt when I should use redux and when should I not. Amongst other valuable information, Mark also introduced redux toolkit, which I would later add into my project.

I also got a list of resources, blogs to go deep in the State Management rabbit hole.

Goal 2: Study Readme-Driven-Development (RDD) Ideology

Taylor and Will provided an interesting article on RDD by Tom Preston Werner. This article defined RDD for me and clearly stated differences between Document-Driven-Development (DDD) and RDD.

I studied that and looked at some examples of RDD development, to summarize that a good readme should, in my opinion:

  • be direct, short and structured about the project and its features
  • clarify what a user can do with the project/application
  • clarify developer related information such as tech stack
  • clarify future goals of the project, if any


RDD is a great approach for Project development because it gives an outline to the developers on what needs to be created with a set of pre-decided tools. It also gives users/contributors an understanding of what can be done with the project.

Goal 3: Choose a Project to build

Right after watching Mark Erikson and Joel Hooks talk on Redux, I dived into the official Redux documentation where I found a link to an Egghead course by Dan Abramov on Fundamentals of Redux.

Then, I brainstormed at several business oriented ideas that could help me practice state management along the journey. I shortlisted a project which would allow users to generate available domain names for their businesses and potentially help them find the best deal to buy the same. I named it "Find my Domain"

Moving further, I started working on the Project's Readme file.

Goal 4: Create a Readme file focused on RDD

Equipped with the information from videos, courses and RDD documentation, I looked at multiple examples of well written RDD Readmes across GitHub. I also referred to how my clubmates had written theirs.

Finally I came up with this by the end of Week 1*

Resources Referred/Studied/Watched

-Mark Erikson and Joel Hooks talk on Redux
-When and when not to reach for Redux
-Redux Introduction
-Egghead course by Dan Abramov on Fundamentals of Redux
-RDD article by Tom Preston Werner
-Another Article on RDD
-Article on writing a great Readme
-RDD Readme Example: size-limit

*I did not decide my Tech stack at this point and took advice from the club at the next meetup

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