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Discussion on: Transitioning from traditional PC apps to Web Development

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Pretty good on that front, as far as the UI elements.

Edit: If you're looking for databinding though (something the Telerik / DevExpress controls do), you won't find it. That's left up to the language or framework you are using. I much prefer to handle this anyway rather than spending a lot of time trying to figure out the right data binding expressions to accomplish exactly what I want to do. It is pretty straightforward in Elm, for instance.

-- in Update
    SearchSubmitted ->
        { model | results = Loading }
            ! [ model.apiConfig
                    { search =
                    , page =
                    , pageSize = model.pageSize

    SearchReturned (Err err) ->
        { model | results = LoadFailed err } ! []

    SearchReturned (Ok ok) ->
        { model | results = Loaded ok } ! []

-- in view

view model =
    -- semantic celled table
    table [ class "ui celled table" ]
        [ thead [] [ ... ] -- header stuff
        , tbody []
            ( case model.result of
                  Loading ->
                      -- display a spinner or loading message

                  LoadFailed err ->
                      -- display an error message, could be elsewhere

                  Loaded data ->
                      -- toRow: fn to convert data to table row
             toRow data
        , tfoot [] [ ... ] -- pager stuff
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rhymes profile image

Thanks for the explanation. I'm using Bulma through buefy right now in a Vue app but I'm not 100% satisfied. Semantic UI's approach is interesting.