DEV Community

Discussion on: How to Build a Full Stack NFT Marketplace - V2 (2022)

lpatipat profile image

Getting a json rpc error on the creator-dashboard after deploying to mumbai. Worked perfectly in localhost though. Do I need to change the arguments to web3modal there too?

It looks like this

inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error.
{code: -32603, message: "Internal JSON-RPC error.", data: {…}}
code: -32603
data: {code: 3, data: "0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000…4656e7420746f6b656e000000000000000000000000000000", message: "execution reverted: ERC721URIStorage: URI query for nonexistent token"}
message: "Internal JSON-RPC error."