DEV Community

Discussion on: [Challenge] 🐝 FizzBuzz without if/else

martinsebastian profile image
Martin Sebastian • Edited

Some improvement to my earlier version.

A) better (arguably, because way more cognitive load than the very simple one above)

const fizzBuzz = (until, current = 0, fizzbuzz = ["", "Fizz", "Buzz"]) => {
    const fizzybuzzy = () => fizzbuzz[!(current % 3) * 1] + fizzbuzz[!(current % 5) * 2]  || current;
    return (current + 1 <= until) && (console.log(fizzybuzzy()), fizzBuzz(until, current + 1));


B) above one as 1 liner b/c hello perl

const devBuzz = (function i(u, c= 0, m=["", "dev", ".to"])  {(c+1<=u) && (console.log(m[!(c % 3)*1] + m[!(c%5)*2] || c), i(u,c+1));});
