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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #74 - Free Pizza

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Michael Baas

APL - Solution 1 (using Dyalog APL)

I'm passing the argument in a suitable array-format for convenience and brevity:



      promo 5 20(('John Doe'(22 30 11 17 15 15 52 27 12))('Jane Doe'(5 17 30 33 40 22 26 10 11 45)))
│Jane Doe│
      promo 2 50 (('Joey Bonzo'(22 67 53 29))('Jennifer Bonzo'(51 19)))
│Joey Bonzo│
      promo 3 15 (('Natsumi Sakamoto'(15 15 14))('Gorou Hironaka'(15 15 15))('Shinju Tanabe'(120 40)))
│Gorou Hironaka│

APL - Solution 2

Since the task was shown with JSON-Data, I want to also show how to tackle this with JSON-Data in APL.

promo2←{(⊂'')~⍨(⊂⍵.(min_orders min_price)){(⍺[1]≤+/⍺[2]≤⍵.hist)/⍵.id}¨⍵.customers}


      Test1←⎕JSON'{"min_orders":5,"min_price":20,"customers":[{"id":"John Doe","hist":[22, 30, 11 ,17 ,15 ,52, 27 ,12]},{"id":"Jane Doe","hist":[5 ,17 ,30 ,33, 40, 22, 26, 10, 11 ,45]}]}'
      promo2 Test1
│Jane Doe│

      Test2←⎕JSON'{"min_orders":2,"min_price":50,"customers":[{"id":"Joey Bonzo","hist":[22,67,53,29]},{"id":"Jennifer Bonzo","hist": [51,19]}]}'
      promo2 Test2
│Joey Bonzo│

      Test3←⎕JSON'{"min_orders":3,"min_price":15,"customers":[{"id":"Natsumi Sakamoto","hist":[15,15,14]},{"id":"Gorou Hironaka","hist": [15,15,15]},{"id":"Shinju Tanabe","hist":[120,40]}]}'
      promo2 Test3
│Gorou Hironaka│

Feel free to experiment and Try it online! ;)