DEV Community

Discussion on: If I don't use React, am I still a developer?

mikolaj_kubera profile image
Mikolaj Kubera

Lot's of things I agree here, especially the "one-liner" and using your spare time to just unload.

One thing I'm really curious about, though, is this:
"I mean, I know terse, I used to be a Perl programmer for crying out loud, but as I get older I find myself wanting everything to be clearer and closer to human-speak."

What "human-speak" language(s) do you use? :-) Or which one(s) do you consider "human-speak"?

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Probably Python (which I used to use ages ago and picked up again recently for Advent Of Code).
The zen of Python defines a lot of that as things like "Explicit is better than implicit, simple is better than complex." and its whitespace requirements force people to write short, clear code.