DEV Community

Discussion on: Setting up a new dev machine

mkultra329 profile image
Matt Kokidko

This should be easy since I am doing it now. Also, I’m a Linux command line junkie that usually work on windows for work so that should explain the first few: Git bash with my custom .bashrc and .bash_alias for quicker commands and some functions to pretty print remote branch commit and log details. Download tmux, the libs to enable it in the git bash shell, and my tmux.conf. Keepass to pull in my 10+ year old password file. WSL with Debian. Gvim, EMacs, and Notepad++. Winmerge. Firefox and chrome, logging in and pulling all my synced bookmarks and extensions. Firefox containers, tweak them and add new container or set of containers for new work environment. Vscode. Possibly squirrel sql client. Move mouse from the windows store to keep the computer from going to sleep when I’m looking at my other computer or stepping away for a few minutes.