DEV Community

Discussion on: I hate setting up my dev environment.

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Mpho Mphego • Edited

I had the same issue yesterday, when I had to reinstall Ubuntu on it at the end, I just had to create a simple script that will automatically install my packages and setup everything.

You are welcome to check it out and contribute.

It's also a good idea to backup your configs, such as bashrc, vscode/sublime text settings and etc

a simple way of doing it would be:

$ cd ~
$ git init
$ touch .gitignore
$ echo "*" > .gitignore
$ git add -f .bashrc .ssh

Add anything you would like to back up, personally, I like backing up my bashrc, ssh configs and settings, VSCode and sublime text settings and ...

You are welcome to check out my Linux-conf (flag it if there's any secrets I should have in public):