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Discussion on: 15 Random Pieces Of Wisdom About People Management

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edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y • Edited

I think these are great points.

As an unfortunate addendum, it's also important to wecognize when somebody is toxic and/or become unproductive. This touches on a few points:

  • 2/14 A toxic person will complain without warrant and may mistreat others.
  • 3 Some people can ramble on forever. You need to somehow stop them.
  • 10/11 It's possible to be in a situation where you're forced to work with sombody who actually isn't qualified, and you can't afford to trust them entirely. Of course, a good coding process, with reviews, can in general prevent bad things from making it to production code.

Back on the positive side, 4/15 are vitally important if you intend on being a good leader. Make sure people know you value their work and that they're getting credit for it.