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Discussion on: What was your win this week?

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Harsh Shandilya

Oh well, I guess this counts. I finally finished the large refactor I was working on for the past month and landed it just a few hours ago :)

Break down PGP Activity into focused sections #776

📢 Type of change

  • [x] Bugfix
  • [ ] New feature
  • [x] Enhancement
  • [x] Refactoring

📜 Description

This PR is a concentrated effort to break PgpActivity down to more logical parts that will allow this to be more maintainable and logical going forward. Also opens up the possibility to finally get rid of kotlin-android-extensions and replace it with ViewBinding.

💡 Motivation and Context

PgpActivity is a blackbox of arcane logic and bad design choices that stump contributors and maintainers alike and reducing development friction by bringing this up to standards is an important goal of mine.

💚 How did you test it?

Generating a password both from the FAB as well as the Autofill action works as expected.

📝 Checklist

  • [x] I formatted the code with the IDE's reformat action (Ctrl + Shift + L/Cmd + Shift + L)
  • [x] I reviewed submitted code

🔮 Next steps

📸 Screenshots / GIFs