DEV Community

Discussion on: We don't need "more documentation"

murkrage profile image
Mike Ekkel • Edited

Not going to lie, this was a tough read because it feels like you're all over the place. I think we are on the same page, though. More documentation isn't necessarily the answer to the problem. Good documentation, however, is. It's about quality vs. quantity.

What I mean by that is, more or less, what you've outlined. When we talk about documentation people will most likely think about some kind of docs page, when in reality it's a lot of things all tied together. It's the code that's written in such a way that it's unambiguous, it's the comments that will help you understand why this piece of code is here, it's the documentation page for a more detailed explanation.

I'm a big advocate for better documentation. We don't write enough good documentation and, because we don't, we'll eventually end up in an unmaintainable codebase.

chrisza4 profile image
Chakrit Likitkhajorn • Edited

Thanks for the feedback.

I agree that good documentation is the answer. I and some of my friends were asked to provide "any kind of documentation" many times. I also worked with project where I got random documentation, presumably created with any kind of document is good document sentiment. It was not helpful.

So it kinda tick me off. when people asking for just simply more documentation plz without specifying what we really want. And hence I was all over the place. That's true.