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Discussion on: What are the tips or techniques you wish someone had told you ages ago?

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Nicky Hajal

One little one for JS...

If you want to debug code like this:

const filtered = someArray.filter((elm) => elm.tags.includes('someTag'))

And it isn't working, so you want to add a log to see what's going on. But it's a pain because you think you need to build out the entire function body like this:

const filtered = someArray.filter((elm) => {
  return elm.tags.includes('someTag');

Which is also annoying because once it works, you need to remove all that extra syntax.

Instead, you can use a comma, like this:

const filtered = someArray.filter((elm) => console.log(elm.tags),elm.tags.includes('someTag'))

JS will evaluate both statements and send the value of the final one.

It's a little thing, but makes my life a little nicer on a daily basis :)