DEV Community

Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 3: Toboggan Trajectory

particleflux profile image
Stefan Linke

A bit of Go

package main

import (

const (
    SymbolTree  byte = '#'
    SymbolEmpty      = '.'

func checkPath(grid [][]byte, height, width int, path []int) int {
    numTrees := 0
    for x, y := 0, 0; y < height; {
        if grid[y][x] == SymbolTree {

        x = (x + path[0]) % width
        y += path[1]

    return numTrees

func main() {
    grid := make([][]byte, 400)
    height := 0

    for {
        if _, err := fmt.Scanln(&grid[height]); err != nil {

    width := len(grid[0])
    fmt.Println("part 1:", checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{3, 1}))

    part2 := checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{1, 1})
    part2 *= checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{3, 1})
    part2 *= checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{5, 1})
    part2 *= checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{7, 1})
    part2 *= checkPath(grid, height, width, []int{1, 2})
    fmt.Println("part 2:", part2)
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