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Discussion on: How to waste half a million dollars

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Riccardo Bernardini

This is basically a variation on the old theme of "buy or make." You need something (say, a wireless interface) for your product; do you make it yourself or do you just buy it "key-turn ready"?

The real answer usually depends on the volume of your product: beyond a given threshold it is possible that the cost of design your interface, producing, testing it, certifying it and so on... is overcome by the saving you obtain by not paying the margin of the wireless interface producer.

I do not have actual figures at hand, but my feeling is that in order to be more convenient to run your own server farm, you need a huge amount of traffic.

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Nočnica Mellifera

It comes up a lot around Kubernetes that, for it to be worth it to do it yourself you need to plan to compete on performance and reliability. If customers will choose your service because it's faster, then it makes sense, whatever your volume, to build it yourself.

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