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Discussion on: Machine Learning log 4: resources and thoughts on self-study

randomjkbn profile image

Nice! Thanks a lot for sharing. I've done the Kaggle micro courses too (they are really amazing) and was wondering where to go from there.

My learning style is more of a need based learning. I learn concepts as and when the ML model I'm making needs it. But I've hit a plateau now and don't know how to improve the model's accuracy further. So I'm looking for resources.

madeline_pc profile image

I can definitely relate to hitting a plateau. I feel like I am starting to emerge from one.

What helped me was beginning to use the skills in a new problem. Looking on kaggle for a dataset to practice on, then doing some exploratory data analysis, building a simple model - generally playing around with the skills you've learned from the micro-courses. Basically do that over and over again, and then look for answers to any questions you have along the way.

I've found it helpful to take notes on the process - it gives you something to refer back to and also documents your progress. :)