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Discussion on: Adding custom OpenGraph images to Gatsby Starter Blog

reymon359 profile image

Hi there! Nice post and approach, thanks for sharing it!

I checked your site and looks awesome!

By the way, I was wondering why did you move from Gatsby to Next.js was there any reason in particular?

juliang profile image
Julian Garamendy

Hi! Thank you! I'm glad my post was useful.

The main reason was that in recent years I started posting more on and then copying articles over to my blog. That was extra work, and I don't have a lot of free time. Also every new post, every typo fix, required a new commit, push, and then CI/CD would build and deploy.

My new Next.js blog I pulls articles from the API, and automatically generates pages. Every time a user visits a page, the static page is served, but also it's regenerated with the latest data for the next user. This means that I don't need to re-deploy when I make changes to my articles.

I think it's called Incremental Static Regeneration. I blogged about it here:

Thank you again for reading!

reymon359 profile image

Hi again!
Thank you so much for the explanation and the info provided!

And congrats on the implementation, it seems very efficient