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Discussion on: Safari is the New Internet Explorer

rgeraldporter profile image
Rob Porter

The recent spate of of "is the new IE" articles recently is weird. Were any of the authors of these articles actually around and coding in the IE6 era? Or is it just "things aren't ideal so let's call some of the browsers names until it's better"?

In the IE6 era, web standards implementation pretty much grinded to a halt, taking years for basic new features to roll out. I recall MS putting the idea out there that they wouldn't need any more versions as the browser was "done". There were no regular updates. You'd practically have to make separate sites for Firefox.

This era in web development has no equivalent at all to IE6. Things will never be ideal. There are many features Chrome has no one else has (yet). Same with Firefox. Same with Safari. The diversity is good, and lets them play off one another.

Until one of the browser vendors claims they're feature-complete, closes their source, and has complete market dominance, none of them are the new Internet Explorer.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

From everything I've read, I consider myself very lucky that I did not have to code through the hell that was pre-2010 web development. No browser is going to be as bad as Internet Explorer since Internet Explorer exists. And at that, IE 11 is relatively quite good actually. The purpose of the article was to take a situation that I thought people would find relatable and bounce off the other article in an attempt to add my drop of water to the ocean of discourse.