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Discussion on: the #1 Ruby benchmarking tool you didn't know you need

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

I went and recorded how long it took before the page timed out. Approximately 22 seconds. Down the rabbithole you go from there.

Generic tip from my experience:

  1. get the SQL query executed by
  2. run EXPLAIN ANALYZE {SQL QUERY} and see what's going on (you can use tools like to make it more readable)
  3. check what's the situation with indices

IIRC .search comes from Ransack which likely uses LIKE or ILIKE which can be a very expensive operation (22 seconds is definitely too much) with a non trivial amount of rows to scan. LIKE operators don't use indexes which means the DB has to sequentially scan each row to provide an answer:

PracticalDeveloper_development=# SET enable_seqscan = false;
Time: 0.222 ms
PracticalDeveloper_development=# explain analyze select * from users where username = 'rhymes';
                                                            QUERY PLAN                                                            
 Index Scan using index_users_on_username on users  (cost=0.14..8.15 rows=1 width=1355) (actual time=0.192..0.197 rows=1 loops=1) 
   Index Cond: ((username)::text = 'rhymes'::text)                                                                                
 Planning Time: 0.167 ms                                                                                                          
 Execution Time: 0.273 ms                                                                                                         
(4 rows)

Time: 1.323 ms
PracticalDeveloper_development=# explain analyze select * from users where username like 'rhy%';
                                                      QUERY PLAN                                                      
 Seq Scan on users  (cost=10000000000.00..10000000005.14 rows=1 width=1355) (actual time=0.042..0.043 rows=1 loops=1) 
   Filter: ((username)::text ~~ 'rhy%'::text)                                                                         
   Rows Removed by Filter: 10                                                                                         
 Planning Time: 0.868 ms                                                                                              
 Execution Time: 3.412 ms                                                                                             
(5 rows)

Time: 5.460 ms

You could use trigrams, with the extension pg_tgrm to enable index scanning on LIKE operators:

PracticalDeveloper_development=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
Time: 215.856 ms
PracticalDeveloper_development=# CREATE INDEX trgm_idx ON users USING GIST (username gist_trgm_ops);
Time: 29.489 ms
PracticalDeveloper_development=# explain analyze select * from users where username like 'rhy%';
                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                     
 Index Scan using trgm_idx on users  (cost=0.13..8.15 rows=1 width=1355) (actual time=0.064..0.065 rows=1 loops=1) 
   Index Cond: ((username)::text ~~ 'rhy%'::text)                                                                  
 Planning Time: 1.017 ms                                                                                           
 Execution Time: 0.116 ms                                                                                          
(4 rows)

Time: 1.934 ms

Note the difference in execution time ;-)

This is a great answer:

FTS does not support LIKE

The previously accepted answer was incorrect. Full Text Search with its full text indexes is not for the LIKE operator at all, it has its own operators and doesn't work for arbitrary strings. It operates on words based on dictionaries and stemming. It does support…

and here you can find more details on pg_tgrm:

Hope this helps :-)

andy4thehuynh profile image
Andy Huynh

I'm writing on a yellow stickie as a reminder.

I forget EXPLAIN exists time and time again. Thank you!