DEV Community

Discussion on: Living alone, how do you cope up with anxiety, depression and stress from work or from the current events?

richardoey profile image

Hi, I also feel the same too, but not exactly in the same situation. You could identify your feeling, and it's good because you are still aware with your condition. I don't think I am the right person to suggest you something because until now, I am still facing the anxiety, envy with someones lives, and have too much expectation in lives, and you must know in the internet, meditation is the effective way to beat this state of emotion. I do regularly meditation every morning now, and it affects me a little bit. Maybe, after several months practicing this, I could feel the difference significantly. Moreover, learn about Stoicsm is a good way too. The point is, mindfulness. I learnt some from these videos, hope they could help.

penandpapers profile image

Thank you so much for your advice! I'll try to meditate more, I've only tried in a few times and I can say meditation really helps me to clear my mind and help me to focus more after. Keep safe and God Bless :D

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Very nice vids,
Thank you